Director Identification Numbers

The deadline for applying for your Director Identification Number (DIN) is fast approaching!

In attempt to modernise Australia’s business registers, the government is consolidating ASIC’s 31 business registers into one Australian Business Registry Service (ABRS). Part of this involves creating a company director registry where all company directors will have unique Director Identification Number that follows them for life. The director registry’s goal is to stop directors from illegal phoenixing and directors with false or fictitious identities.

If you are a Director you need to apply for your DIN before 30 November 2022 to avoid receiving a penalty from ASIC.   Historically, ASIC is very strict when it comes to penalties, so we recommend applying for your DIN before the deadline.  

For instructions on how to obtain your DIN, please click here, if you have any issues with your myGovID please call the ATO on 1300 287 539, selecting option 2 for myGovID enquiries and for further information about the DIN in general visit the ABRS website.

The DIN will be a future requirement when reporting to ASIC, therefore, we ask that when you receive your DIN you forward the number to our office so we may update our records.

If you have any questions or require any assistance with this process, please give our office a call on 03 9584 2277.